Basic research has vast potential to impact science and health in unanticipated ways and contributes to educating the next generation of scientists and physicians. We are working to share that knowledge through outreach in the community (See Outreach Activities), undergraduate education (See PI Bio), and scientific training from graduate education to engagement with colleagues. You can advance our mission and contribute to research at UCSD.
We have collaborated with anatomists, physicists, microscopists, evolutionary biologists, biomechanists, and other developmental biologists and are always open to creative ideas and new ways to play. We also have the only research colony of jerboas in the Americas and are open to specimen sharing. Contact us to start a conversation.
We are looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated, curious people to join our team. If you are interested in joining us, please email Dr. Cooper with your CV and a cover letter detailing your background, your specific research interests, and why you think you and our lab would be a good mutual fit. If you are considered and accepted into our group, there is no commitment to work on your stated interests (there are so many fun things to do!), but emails that do not convey why you are specifically interested in this lab will not be answered. Prospective graduate students should apply through the Biological Sciences graduate program at UCSD.